«Enzym Company» became the platform for the GMP+ Academy session

22 March 2019

Last week Enzym Company hosted a GMP+ Academy session. During four days the representatives of the feed industry companies listened to a course of lectures on the subject “Feed Safety Scheme. New Requirements for Feed Production”.

According to Hryhoriy Mazur, GMP+ International representative,  GMP+ Academy sessions are held three times a year, led by the Odesa Academy of Food Technologies, which is one of the five leading international GMP+ Academies.

“The program consisted of a review of the standard, nine sub-standards, additional recommendations, a review of the European base of EU directives on the safety of feed and feed materials and ended with an examination training. Everyone passed the exam successfully and received training certificates”, Hryhoriy Mazur said.

The session was also attended by Khrystyna Nazar, Feed Business Development Manager of Enzym Company. The company has been producing and selling EnzActive probiotic feed additives for the second year already. The high quality and efficiency of this product is confirmed by studies at foreign universities and international GMP+ certificates.

“We are the first company to successfully pass the first certification in 2017 and re-audit in 2018 in Lviv and receive B1 and B4 international compliance certificates”,  Khrystyna said.

Hryhoriy Mazur adds that approximately 100 enterprises in Ukraine are certified according to the GMP+ standard and calls Enzym one of the best.

“On the first day we had an introduction tour around the company. I liked that you have a clear organization of production facilities . The requirements for GMP+ certification are high. It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and safety, mandatory regular cleaning and washing of equipment. We examined all this features at your plant”, says Hryhoriy Mazur.

GMP+ International is the independent organization that operates the GMP+ FSA feed certification scheme. This scheme is designed for companies involved in the feed chain worldwide. The GMP+ FSA was created to provide feed safety and assurance to consumers regarding the proper production, handling, trading, storage and transport of feed ingredients and animal feed.

Contact us

Khrystyna Nazar

Head of Feed Division

+380 (32) 298 98 39

[email protected]

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